With this template you can turn the Behringer XTouch Mini into a FCU for the FBW A320.

To use this file you will need :-

Axis and Ooh's (demo version available)

The AAO Script from https://flightsim.to/file/11114/fbw-a320-profile-for-streamdeck-xl-for-lorbys-aao-sd-plugin

and of course the Behringer X-Touch mini

How to use

See the screen shot for the button layout (There is a typo, where the rotary shown as iTunes should be Altimeter Setting).

Import the Script Files from the streamdeck plugin into aao
Import the tempate file from this download into aao
Apply the template now available in aao (A320FCU) into you aircraft using aao

Full instruction video and howto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCajb89QoII